Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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Internet Message Format
From: dmj@genie.geis.com
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 94 06:26:00 UTC
To: gem-list@world.std.com
Subject: Hello everyone...
X-Genie-Id: 5647412
X-Genie-From: DMJ
Precedence: bulk
It is with a certain trepidation that I post here. I subscribed to
this list about a week ago, and in that time the list has accumulated
almost 130 messages. I have to wonder if, while this standardization
effort isn't well-intended, that you've scared off many would-be
participants with the volume of mail here. (I also have to wonder if
you don't have anything _else_ to do. ;-)
[Time passes.]
Just finished reading all those messages. Sheesh. A few things I'd
like to point out, in case anyone is interested...
1. Some folks on this list *pay* for the mail. It's *really*
irritating to see an _entire_ message quoted in a response, when
quoting just ONE LINE will do. If you're going to take the time to
respond, why don't you take the time to figure out which portion of
the message sums up what you're responding to, and quote just that
part (please)? Anyone who is following the list will probably be
able to tell what it is you're discussing. In the same vein, is it
really necessary to have 10-line signature blocks?
2. Is it absolutely necessary for everyone to respond with an "I
agree to this" message (which I've seen quite a bit of)? If you're
not going to add something useful to the topic being discussed, why
Okay, enough steam vented. There were a few things discussed this
past week that I thought I'd like to comment on.
- ??????.SYS
It has been suggested by more than one person that this file be used
as more than a keyboard shortcut configuration file. As long as only
"global" information is being stored here, that's fine--but any
application-specific information should NOT be stored in a system-wide
configuration file.
I also dislike the idea of _yet_another_ file sitting in the root
directory of my boot partition. I have too many files there as it is,
because software refuses to intelligently look elsewhere for the
files. I would not be opposed to some environmental variable being
used to define a path where configuration files could be kept;
SHORTCUT.SYS (or whatever) could be placed there, and
application-specific configuration files could be placed there too.
And I think .SYS is a bad extension for this file. Keep in mind that
this is something the _user_ will be editing. Don't scare them away!
Every time I see a .SYS file, I think of CONFIG.SYS (from DOS),
ASSIGN.SYS (from GDOS), or driver .SYS files (which aren't
user-editable files). To me, .CNF or .INF would be a better choice.
(And when you're discussing what goes in this file, don't forget that
the user has to be able to figure out how to construct it! Please,
just because it makes sense to a programmer doesn't mean it will make
sense to the average user--and that IS your target here, isn't it?)
- Why have a standard, if you have a key-definition file.
I think Tim Miller asked this question. Personally, I think it's a
valid question. IF we come up with a standard key-definition file,
this provides the user with a way to redefine any key they like--for
any program they like. Why should you, or anyone else, tell me what I
should use as my "default"--when any user who cares to will already
have default keys selected, and my program would read and use these
keys *automatically* if the key-definition file is present? (I do not
ask this to be antagonistic; I'm asking a sincere question.) Not to
mention the fact that if I can't find some mnemonic that helps me
remember a keyboard shortcut, it isn't a "shortcut": it's work.
CTRL-U doesn't mean a damn thing to me, but CTRL-W sure does.
Also, when you quote something is "standard", remember there are lots
of different "standards". I'd wager 99% of the US Atari users don't
care one bit about what the German standard for keyboard shortcuts
are... and like me, if they can't find something that helps them
remember the keyboard shortcuts, it won't be helping them--it will be
hindering them.
- Wasting a cookie jar slot...
Somebody mentioned a cookie in the cookie jar would be "wasting a
slot". Wasting an 8-byte slot? Was this a serious comment? The
cookie jar can be expanded at any time; Atari documented how to do
this when they documented the cookie jar in the first place. Not only
that, but I've always found the cookie jar to be an immensely useful
tool in finding pointers to software's internal data structures or
obtaining system-wide information. I think it's a much "cleaner"
approach than many methods I've seen for obtaining this kind of
Well, that should do it for now. I hope the volume on this list stays
at a manageable level--otherwise I will unsubscribe. And if I'm not a
subscriber, I seriously doubt I'll be following any standard
"accepted" by the group.
-+- Damien M. Jones -+- dmj software -+- dmj@genie.geis.com -+-